1. clarify job related risk and hazards and how to mitigate it according to the work steps,
2. Gather all information eg ILD and DATA sheet,
3. hand tools and test equipment must be in good condition and safe,
4. Obtain work permit with clear job steps,
5. Confirm from operation if the instrument alarm/interlock is been buy passed for maintenance or if the control loop has been taken in to manual,
1. Connect hart communicator to check transmitter configuration e.g calibration range ,damping are matching with data sheet also confirm range in dcs,
2. Close process isolation valve and open drain valve,
3.Confirm transmitter zero reading other wise adjust if required,
4.Connect pressure calibrator to transmitter port ,
5.Apply 5 point calibration method. inject pressure 0%.25%.50%.75%.100%. according to range check transmitter reading in transmitter display and DCS,
6.Repeat above same procedure for downscale reading,
7.Check the milliamp out put during calibration,
8.Zero and span calibration use hart communicator,
9.Take transmitter in service and confirm indication in DCS,
10.Do house keeping for the area,
11.Close work permit,
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